Pretty in Pink Bouquet
Our pink and white hand tie bouquet exudes elegance and charm, perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or expressing your love and appreciation to someone dear. With both soft and deep fresh pink flowers including roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and lilies.
Our pink and white hand tie bouquet exudes elegance and charm, perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or expressing your love and appreciation to someone dear. With both soft and deep fresh pink flowers including roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and lilies.

Our pink and white hand tie bouquet exudes elegance and charm, perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or expressing your love and appreciation to someone dear. With both soft and deep fresh pink flowers including roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and lilies.
Please note
Due to seasonal availability, flowers and foliage may differ but will maintain the same style, quality and value!
All bouquets are handcrafted on the day of delivery or collection to ensure you get the most of your flowers.
All bouquets will have the option to be lily free, making them ideal people with allergies or households with cats and dogs.